Claude Océga

Un artiste accompli !

An accomplished artist

Trained scientist, engineer Claude Océga devoted himself to drawing from secondary school.

In permanent conflict with the industrial design frozen in strict rules, he has been continually developing his imagination to ultimately begin with painting in 1978 and sculptures in 2006.

The characters in his paintings are reminiscent of comic book heroes. His painting is a mixture of surrealistic, cubist influences he customized to make a very particular style.

Permanent researcher of well-being and happiness, he discovered in 1983 a new form of energy that he has developed in the Ondévit method.

This discovery has allowed him to juggle a professional career, artistic creation and management of the Ondévit foundation.

By his spiritual research, artistic creation will serve as an engine of scientific developments of the utmost importance.

He has received prestigious awards in the literary, scientific and artistic fields.